No One Be Homeless
support for homeless
No One Be Homeless
support for homeless

No One Be Homeless (For Poor People)

Your donation will help homeless people for their betterment of their life.  Donate some part of your income to make their life easy and beautiful.


Everyone in this world needs shelter for safety, security, and privacy. It helps to protect from extreme temperatures, strong winds, and storms. We are helping homeless people with good-quality tents and other temporary types of shelter.

Household Products

Homeless people do not have basic needs for themselves or their families. We are just helping with small things like folding’s, bed sheets, blankets, gas stoves, utensils, etc. These are some essential things we are providing from time to time. We want you to join us with your donations to make their life easy.


Homeless people want to educate their children but they are unable to do that. We are giving their children primary education, also we are providing them school stationery as it’s a basic need for every student. We are running evening classes for them as many children work as child labour.

Food Distribution

Homeless people food is one of the biggest struggle in there life. We are trying to lessen their struggles through events like Langer for Hunger, Ration Kits distribution and many other programs.

We're Near to Our

No One Be Homeless

Donate to support for poor homeless people
₹5,50,000 Raised: ₹35,00,000 Goal:
Personal Info


Donation Total: ₹2,000

Your contributions are eligible for upto 50% tax benefit under section 80g as social fighters foundation is registered as non profit organization

PAN : ABGCS2588F | 80G NUMBER: ABGCS2588FF20211

About the Campaign

Lots of people in India are homeless. They live in dangers conditions and struggle with poverty and hunger. Join our mission to provide them with a better future.

How We Help End Homelessness

 We reach out to homeless individuals through street outreach and mobile outreach services and once we engage with homeless individuals, youth, and families with children, we provide assistance that ranges from paying a first month’s rent to offering permanent supportive housing so that people with disabilities can become stable and productive members of their communities.

We have found that, without supportive services, housing is often not enough to end homelessness. From helping homeless youth to providing assistance in obtaining disability benefits, to providing transportation, to offering intensive job training assistance to homeless veterans, we operate a number of innovative supportive services programs to support our efforts of ending homelessness in India.

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While permanent housing, often coupled with supportive services, is the best way to end homelessness, many individuals and families need short-term stabilization before they can find housing that will meet their long-term needs. So we are providing emergency assistance to homeless persons in the form of homeless shelters.


Since homeless persons can be reluctant to leave the streets and accept emergency shelter or transitional housing, we operate drop-in centers — places where homeless youth or adults can get off the streets and find a temporary safe haven. And often, when homeless persons begin to trust drop-in center staff, they agree to leave the streets and enter transitional or permanent housing.


For a significant number of homeless with mental or physical impairments, often coupled with drug and/or alcohol use issues, long-term homelessness can only be ended by providing permanent housing coupled with intensive supportive services.


Our transitional housing programs are operated with one goal in mind — to help individuals and families obtain permanent housing as quickly as possible. Our programs serve diverse populations — from women and children who are victims of domestic violence to homeless veterans who have spent years living on the streets.

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