Help Disabled People (For Poor People)

Your donation can help educate the girl and give her the best chance for the bright future she deserves.

Primary Education

Donate to the education of poor children and support them with necessities like tuition fees, school supplies, uniforms, footwear, transport, etc. You can help struggling students succeed in school by donating as a tutor or a regular person.  Help them build a future that will make them escape poverty passed from generation to generation.

Mid-day Meals

Your contribution to school meals for children can significantly transform their lives. For India’s poor children, the mid-day meal at school is their only proper meal of the day! Feed our children and their hopes by donating mid-day meals to our starving children, so they don’t have to learn on a hungry stomach.

Under Funded

Donate to underfunded programs that are doing great work to provide the poor with necessities like food, shelter, education, senior care, and healthcare. Social Fighters Foundation struggling to continue to help people as they are not receiving the necessary support. Help them with their efforts with your donations.

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Help Disabled People

Donate to support poor disabled people
₹1,25,369 Raised: ₹25,00,000 Goal:
Personal Info


Donation Total: ₹2,000

Your contributions are eligible for upto 50% tax benefit under section 80g as social fighters foundation is registered as non profit organization

PAN : ABGCS2588F | 80G NUMBER: ABGCS2588FF20211

About the Campaign

In our society, there are many handicapped, disabled, or physically disabled people. Some of them are physically born handicapped and some others are mentally disabled. There are others who have lost limbs or sense organs on account of an attack of some diseases. Others are victims of accidents such as train or bus accidents, bomb explosions, fire-burns, etc, or injury in factories and so on.

In this way, they are deprived of the pleasure of enjoying a normal life. So we must not look down upon these persons as social burdens. They must be encouraged to face life boldly and to feel that life still holds the charm for them. They can be usefully employed in various crafts and vocations befitting to them.

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 ‘Disabled people’ or ‘Differently abled people’ should get emotional, financial, and physical support from society. We should have sympathy for them. We should all come forward to fight against discrimination against differently-abled people. Every person on earth deserves equal respect. As for the handicapped children, the parents and other members of society should have a soft corner in their hearts to acknowledge their position in society.

Further, since disabled people are actually ‘differently abled’ people, they should get enough opportunity to sharpen their skills and bring out their amazing hidden talents.

So we request all of you to help these people. We, therefore, opened a funding campaign. We appeal for your support in helping SFF to continue to do its work with people with disability.

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