Food For All (For Poor And Needy People)

Your donation can help to feed poor, needy & Homeless People. Please donate and support us to “Fight against Hunger”

Food for All

Our prime motto is to provide food for the poor, homeless, and slums. In India, more than 20% of people are living below the poverty line. Nutritional and hygienic food is a challenge for them. With your donation, we will provide food to them.

Langer for Hunger

This is our initiatives to feed poor people on regular basis to eliminate hunger. We have started this service focused mainly on people who are poor and living roadsides. Our aim is to provide hygiene and quality foods to them.

Mid-day Meals

The Mid-day Meal Scheme is for the poor student’s meal program. It’s designed for poor and homeless students’ designed to better the nutritional standing of school-age children. The program supplies free lunches on working days for children in primary and upper primary schools

Ration for Old Age and Widow

We are also providing ration kits to old age people and other needy people. Who doesn’t have a permanent income source. With your donations, our reachability will extend and many more people will get benefitted.

We're Near to Our

Food for All

Donate to support poor and needy to serve healthy food
₹3,80,000 Raised: ₹20,00,000 Goal:
Personal Info


Donation Total: ₹2,000

Your contributions are eligible for upto 50% tax benefit under section 80g as social fighters foundation is registered as non profit organization

PAN : ABGCS2588F | 80G NUMBER: ABGCS2588FF20211

About the Campaign

India and starvation have been going hand in hand for a very long time. It is so because the people living below the poverty line in India are very high. Moreover, starvation is a cause of so many deaths every year that it needs to be stopped. We must recognize the causes of starvation in India so we can work better to eradicate them.

We must work to feed people so there are no deaths due to starvation.  Therefore we have launched a food for all campaign, which aimed to:

  • Eliminate hunger and malnutrition in India.
  • Every child to have healthy and nutritious food.
  • No one should sleep empty stomach.

Join us and let’s contribute together to getting rid of hunger in the society

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